
Our New Baby

Well, we are expanding our family....in case you have not heard...we are getting a new puppy! She is a yorkie-poo and will be coming to our home in less than a month. We aren't quite sure how the big dogs will respond to this new addition but I think they will love her.

There is only one little problem: Clay and I cannot figure out what her name should be. Below are some pictures of her. Help us think of a name. Both of our other dogs have names that start with 'S', but the new puppy's name doesn't have to do the same.


Steven said...

1. You are killing me, now my wife is hounding me for one of these little yappers.

2. Smokette would be a lovely dog name

Anonymous said...

First name that comes to mind is Salina. Also spelled Selina, Salena or Selena, but I like my spelling best. Try to call all three dogs together to see if it will work.

bailey said...

oh, your baby is just precious! I am jealous because I haven't even seen any of them with their eyes open! I know that you'll have so much fun with this one, these puppies are so sweet! I miss mine so much while I'm up here in Stillwater! I'll have to come by sometime after you get her and see her!

Shelby said...

she is adorable!! how about sydney?

Andi Hawkins said...

I am closing my eyes and scrolling quickly passed the cute and snuggly little doggie foo foo pictures. You wont sucker me into wanting you -- you won't, you won't, you won't!! I like the name Sophie. Or Sadie. But Sadie is my dog's name so you can't have it without some sort of compensation. Have fun wiping up pee!!!!

Steve said...

Have the big dogs tried to eat her yet?

Melanie said...

oh my gosh what an adorable puppy!!!

Following Steve's lead...how about the name "Supper"?