
Quick Post

Some quick news on what has been going on:

House-Please keep praying for our house in TN to sell. We thought we had a really good deal this past week. Unfortunately (but probably for the best), it fell through. Hopefully, it will sell very soon as in the next day or two!

The Dogs: Scout is almost potty trained; well, she still has a way to go. She hates her crate but LOVES Bear. Bear likes her for the most part. Siler tries to ignore her and has only seriously tried to eat her 3 times. I promise to post pics once I find that little cord that goes between the camera and the computer. Why is it I always put the cord in a place that I think is the most logical location, yet I can never find it when I need it again???

Well, we have some friends visiting so I better wrap this up.

1 comment:

Steven said...

your blog needs the following:

1. pictures
2. more updates
3. more content

ps - download the song dallas by jimmy buffett in your spare time.